To determine if opioids are needed following ACL surgery
If you meet the eligibility requirements and choose to participate in this study, prior to your ACL surgery, you will be randomized (like flipping a coin) and blinded (don’t know which group you are in) to receive oxycodone (opioid) or placebo tablets.
Regardless of which group you are in, you will receive the following as part of standard of care:
If you are assigned to the opioid group, you will receive 15 oral opioid tablets (5 mg oxycodone).
If you are assigned to the placebo group, you will receive 15 placebo tablets.
You will also receive 8 “rescue” medications: If you are in the opioid arm you will be given placebo “rescue” medications, and if you are in the non-opioid arm you will receive 5mg oxycodone “rescue” tablets.
You will not be able to tell the difference between oxycodone and placebo tablets. These “rescue” medications are to be used only if pain is >8 (on Numeric Rating Scale 1-10) and does not improve within 4 hours of taking prior pain medication.
Following your surgery, researchers will ask you to:
Note: All of these procedures will be paid for by the study
To participate in this study, patients must meet all of the following criteria:
For more information on this study, please visit this website or reach out to Dr. Xerogeanes and his team directly.